Libyan Child Breeze Festival for Theater and Music

Libyan Child Breeze Festival for Theater and Music
Believing that the future of Libya is based on the intellectual development of young people and the development of their talents. Al Naseem Food Industries continues to support intellectual events through its cultural program “Today we shine”, which comes alongside with its health and sports program “My Health”. This is a social responsibility that Al-Naseem Company has placed at the heart of its strategic confrontations since its creation.
From this standpoint, Al Naseem Company supports the first session of the Libyan Child Naseem Festival, which will be held this year in the city of Benghazi from the 10th to the 15th of July 2012, in cooperation with the Challengers Forum : it is a group of Libyan youth active in the cultural field and under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture and the civil society.
This festival is considered an annual event for cultural cross-fertilization, it is an opening discussion between many Libyan cities, and an opportunity to get to know each other and discover talented people.